Saturday, July 28, 2007

Why Do We Workout?

Oh, my hiatus is over and I'm back in business. I was kicking my butt the other day at the gym, one-hour straight of kettlebells, jump rope and running. I actually left a puddle that I had to get a towel and mop up, gym courtesy and all. As I was limping out of the gym doors I had to ask myself why I do this to myself, even more interesting, why do people pay me to do this to them?

The psychology behind choosing exercise over lethargy would probably show that people unleash similar hormones and enzymes when they workout, as they do when they have sex. I'm sure the research is out there, I just don't feel like looking it up; instead I am going to pull from my experience and tell you that it is not any ware near an orgasm but finishing a workout feels oh so good. I put myself through ritualistic torture because I like the way it makes me feel and look.

The thing is it takes a while to get to a point where you actually take pleasure out of the routines that you put yourself through. You really have to break through, and work to obtain a level of fitness that allows for the mix of pleasure and pain. Your physiology will bitch and resist until you create an internal environment that converts the strain as euphoria. Words from the fitness hippie, "just let it happen man."

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