Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Five-By-Five (5X5)

Now this is a fun quick workout great for anyone that is a little crunched for time and wants a little something to kick their butts.  The 5X5 workout is simple and effective utilizing 5 exercise in 5 sets with 5 reps.  I know it doesn't sound like much but when you use the right weight, heavy to moderate, you will burn tons of calories and keep your metabolism jacked for hours.  

The Program: #1
- Dead lifts: 5x5
- Bent Over Rows: 5x5
- Curls: 5x5
- Front Squats: 5x5
- Shoulder Press: 5x5

The Program: #2 
- Burpees: 5x5
- Mountain Climbers: 5x5
- Step Ups: 5x5
- Push-ups: 5x5
- Pull-ups: 5x5

There, that should hold you over.  All of the exercises listed above can be looked up in You Tube or by just doing an image search.  Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

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