Thursday, April 23, 2009

Buddy, Buddy


This is a great time of year to make friends and do things outside so I put together a little something for you to do with a friend.

The Circuit
Throw Downs- One person on back the other stands behind and the person on the ground grabs the ankles of the person behind them.  Legs come up to the person standing and they throw them down.  Do for one-minute each.

Knee Hops- One person holds their hand out while their partner jumps up and touches their knees to the other person's arm.  Be nice on this one pay back can be hell.  Each person goes 1 minute.

High-Five Push-Ups-  Line up across from your partner both go down in a push-up come up and give a high-five to your partner.  Repeat for a minute 

Jump Squats: Try and jump higher then your partner for 1 minute.  

Have fun and remember the couple that suffers together stays together.  

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